LLMS - Lyons Laboratory Management System LIMS for Material, Textile & Apparel testing

The latest release of Textile Testing LIMS Lyons Laboratory Management System (LLMS) features major improvements to the mobile and web platforms for LIMS that will help users increase productivity. Dealing with increasing volumes of data for Textile testing LIMS, laboratories can no longer feasibly manage experiments by gluing printed results into a paper notebook. With a Textile testing LIMS – Laboratory Information Management System , technicians can now link testing to specific samples, as well as easily share information with other lab members and organizations involved.

Lyons Laboratory Management System  LLMS Textile Testing LIMS (Laboratory Information Management System) is a system designed to manage and streamline the process of testing textiles in a lab environment. It helps in managing the data and workflow associated with fabric testing for various properties such as strength, durability, color fastness, and more.

Here are the typical steps in textile testing LIMS:

1. Sample Registration

  • First, lab staff receives textile samples and registers them into the LIMS system.
  • Next, they record essential details such as sample ID, fabric type, source (e.g., manufacturer or batch number), and other identifiers like color and weight.

2. Test Planning

  • After registration, technicians select the required tests based on the fabric type, such as tensile strength, abrasion resistance, or color fastness.
  • Following this, they define the test conditions, methods, and equipment needed for each specific test.
  • Subsequently, lab supervisors assign technicians to carry out the tests according to the plan.

3. Test Execution

  • Once assigned, technicians perform a variety of tests, including:
    • Physical Tests, such as tensile strength, tear strength, and burst strength.
    • Chemical Tests, like pH levels, formaldehyde content, or toxic substance analysis.
    • Fastness Tests, assessing color fastness to washing, light, and rubbing.
    • Dimensional Tests, including shrinkage, stretch, and stability under different conditions.
  • Simultaneously, technicians enter test results directly into the LIMS system to ensure accuracy and traceability.

4. Data Analysis

  • Following the tests, the LIMS system compiles and analyzes the data to ensure compliance with industry standards or customer specifications.
  • At this point, LIMS generates detailed test reports, highlighting statistical analysis, pass/fail results, and any deviations.
  • Additionally, quality control teams review the data for consistency and flag any discrepancies or outliers for further inspection.

5. Result Interpretation and Approval

  • After reviewing the data, supervisors or quality control teams verify the results to ensure they meet the required specifications.
  • If necessary, they request re-testing or approval based on the results.
  • Ultimately, they approve or reject the sample, documenting the decision in the system for future reference.

6. Reporting and Documentation

  • Once the results are approved, LIMS generates detailed reports that include test conditions, methodologies, results, and conclusions.
  • Following this, the system can issue a certificate of analysis (CoA) or conformity for the sample if required.
  • Finally, lab staff share the reports with relevant stakeholders, such as product development teams or external clients, for review.

7. Archiving Data

  • After completion, LIMS stores all test data, reports, and documents for future reference and easy retrieval.
  • In addition, the system ensures traceability by maintaining a history of all test results for audits or analysis of trends over time.

8. Compliance and Standards Checking

  • At this stage, the system verifies that the sample meets the relevant industry standards (e.g., ISO, ASTM) and any customer-specific requirements.
  • Additionally, technicians cross-check the results against these standards to confirm compliance.

9. Quality Control (QC) and Corrective Action

  • If discrepancies are found, the quality control team reviews the results for any non-conformities.
  • Then, they conduct a root cause analysis to determine whether the issue lies in the raw materials, the manufacturing process, or the testing procedure.
  • Based on their findings, they initiate corrective actions, such as re-sampling, re-testing, or making adjustments to production methods.

10. Feedback and Continuous Improvement

  • After analyzing the results, lab teams look for trends or patterns that might indicate areas for improvement in fabric production or testing procedures.
  • Lastly, senior management receives a report summarizing the test findings, which helps guide decisions on quality improvements or process adjustments.

By streamlining these steps through Lyons Laboratory Management System Textile Testing LIMS, organizations can ensure faster processing, better data accuracy, improved compliance, and overall more efficient operations.

New features to LLMS Textile testing LIMS includes.

  • Wash set up.
  • Load priority.
  • Clip boards.
  • Reports

Wash Test Setup for LLMS Textile testing LIMS.

  • User will able to create a new test setup or can modify existing setup as per user’s permission.
  • Only user with system administrator role will able to see “Delete” button.
  • Technician Name, lab  Number, Test Setup Formula number, Total Cycles fields will be auto populated form and user will not able to edit.
  • User will able to add Required Test Points.
  • Max Tunnel will have 300 as a default value.
  • Min Tunnel will have 270 as a default value.
  • Tunnel speed will have 106 seconds as a default value.
  • Add Chemical Manually, Percent Ballast and Type of Ballast will have predefined values and user can pick from those values.

Load Priority Form 

  • This is the form where user will able to adjust the Load priority.
  • User will able to review the Wash Setup Detail.
  • User can navigate to Wash Setup Form by clicking the link.

Textile testing LIMS

Wash Test Report

  • User can run a report by giving range of LAB numbers.
  • User can filter report by giving Starting Date and Ending Date or can run a report for last 30 days, Last Week, Yesterday or Today.
  • Report can be filtered by Technician Name
  • User can  print or export to Excel.

Product training videos

  1. Create a new job
  2. Add Test Results
  3. Create Chart
  4. Create a New Report
  5. Dashboard & Search

Product Video

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