New release of the Lyons QMS Audit Pro System (LQAPS) platform.

New York, NY
January 14, 2022.
Lyons Information Systems, a pioneer in providing cloud-based supply chain, quality assurance & laboratory management (LIMS) systems today announced the new release of the Lyons QMS Audit Pro System (LQAPS) platform.

Auditors will be able to view what specific products and how many pieces of each they have left to inspect. This is based on a week’s time frame for Production inspectors and a calendar month for Service.
– Audit completion will be measured on specific piece counts (weekly for Production and monthly for Service) for the specific products processed at discreet Location(s). This is a change from current practice of solely tracking the number of saved inspection sessions (no accountability for proper number of pieces or specific assigned products inspected). This will be a much more thorough way to ensure all product is inspected and give greater accuracy for trending and tracking.
– Reporting is greatly enhanced.
a. Ability to see “open” items that still require sampling / inspections
b. Participation reports / completion rates by Group and Location
c. Participation e-mail notifications based on Inspector Role, both Production (weekly) and Service (monthly)
d. Improved Dashboard for Directors and Admins – Pareto and Histogram that provides data and non-conformance rates by specific Product(s) and / or specific Non-Conformance(s)
-E-mail notifications of missing inspections.

About Lyons Information Systems

Lyons Information Systems, Inc a Sequoia Systems, Inc. company, provides a robust, flexible, web-based solution to gather, analyze and display quality audit results generated by staff and suppliers of a manufacturing organization. To learn more about Lyons Information Systems, Inc, go to the website or give us a call at 866-351-4287.

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