With YuniquePLM and LQATS integration, Lyons Information Systems Partners with Fellow Technology Platform Pioneer, Gerber Technology, LLC, reinvents PDM.
New York, USA
Speed is the new normal in fashion, as apparel manufacturers endeavor to stay ahead of trends and meet consumer expectations. To support their users in the race to keep up with what’s now trending, Lyons Information Systems announced the release of a major update to LQATS – Lyons Quality Audit Tracking System, their YuniquePLM® REST API Integration. We know our customers are looking for ways to improve speed and connectivity to support their process. YuniquePLM® Cloud is a key tool for product development teams. LQATS latest integrations to the YuniquePLM® and our new UI are a combined element of continually responding to customer input to create an optimal user experience with LQATS – Lyons Quality Audit Tracking System for garment PDM Specifications.
The term PDM (Product Data Management) refers to the processes and tools used to manage and control product-related data throughout its lifecycle, including design, production, and support.
A deep understanding of the apparel manufacturers and development process drives Lyons’s customer focused innovation process. For LQATS and other Lyons software applications, this approach includes an open philosophy leveraging APIs for integration with key applications in their customers’ end-to-end processes. With technology making substantial inroads in our day-to-day business activities, virtually every organization now uses multiple software applications and integration between these multiple applications is essential.
About Lyons Information Systems
Lyons Information Systems, Inc a Sequoia Systems, Inc. company, provides a robust, flexible, web-based solution to gather, analyze and display quality audit results generated by staff and suppliers of a manufacturing organization. To learn more about Lyons Information Systems, Inc, go to the www.lyonsinfo.com website or give us a call at 866-351-4287.
To learn more about YuniquePLM®, visit: www.gerbertechnology.com